INMAR Waterproof Painted Jewelries – Body Art

Luxuries temporally painted jewelry on your body
Give a colorful touch to your body to turn your underwater portraits into work of art.

Inmar is a body-painting artist working in the riviera maya. She uses a 100% healthy surgical glue, so even safe for pregnant women. It will last 3-5 days, waterproof, dries in 5 minutes, 50 colors of glitter and reflections to choose from, decorated with crystals. custom designs made by hand.

Painted body on underwater sessions:

  • As the tattoo is easy to remove, we can take photos wearing your tattoo and remove it (if you like) for the second part of the session.
  • Inmar can paint you the previous day of the underwater session.

Contact Inmar:

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Some samples of her artwork: