Tips to help customers to have a great experience during an underwater portrait session
January 27, 2020

A freediving course to help you feel more comfortable in the water

Posted in: Inessa free dive 15m (45ft) deep after 3 day training with mariana Inessa took a three-day freediving course ahead of our underwater...

January 18, 2019

Waterproof Painted Jewelries – Body Art

INMAR Waterproof Painted Jewelries – Body Art Luxuries temporally painted jewelry on your body Give a colorful touch to your body to turn your...

December 11, 2018

Fabrics to wear as a Mermaid

Fabrics to wear as a Mermaid on underwater portrait sessions Posted in: For underwater portrait sessions, in addition of your own dresses, I can...

February 9, 2017

How to choose your photographer?

How to choose your portrait photographer Points to consider Posted in: A good photographic portrait is something very intimate which should bring out your...

December 2, 2016


FAQ – Underwater cenote Trash the Dress everything you need to know to organize and make a success of your water portrait session. Feel...
